Who We Are

Formed in 2010, the California Healthy Housing Coalition (CHHC) is a diverse, multi-sector coalition that brings together housing rights and social justice organizations; public health advocates; local, state, and federal agencies; and other experts on housing, indoor air quality, and health. CHHC grew out of a recognition that local healthy housing challenges are shared across the state and could benefit from broad collaboration. Members are committed to advancing policies and practices that improve unhealthy housing conditions and serving as a state-wide advocate for healthy housing.


In the spring of 2009, the National Center for Healthy Housing (NCHH) worked with organizations and agencies across California to hold a series of meetings focused on regional healthy housing issues. These discussions in San Diego, Los Angeles, Fresno, Oakland, and Sacramento resulted in plans and partnerships focused on improving regional housing conditions. NCHH and these regional partners then coordinated with the California Department of Public Health’s California Breathing Program in the summer of 2009 to convene a statewide discussion on healthy housing. Common themes around human and civil rights and health disparities emerged as each region shared their priories. Groups ended discussions with the identification of common interests and a commitment to developing a statewide approach to address common housing problems. For a full account of this process, click here.

A core group of stakeholders including NCHH, California Breathing, Regional Asthma Management and Prevention, Healthy Homes Collaborative, and the Alameda County Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (now the Alameda County Healthy Homes Department). continued discussions and organized a formational meeting of healthy housing stakeholders in February of 2010. The California Healthy Housing Coalition (CHHC) was established over this two-day meeting. Participants developed the mission and the preliminary structure for the coalition, including three workgroups based on the key issues identified: 1) code enforcement, 2) healthy housing indicators, and 3) green, affordable, and healthy housing.

Since the formation, CHHC has grown to over eighty members representing a wide range of healthy housing stakeholders across California. Members work together through the three workgroups to advance strategies for improving healthy housing in California.